West Virginia Prevention Solutions


Your Voice Matters!


Youth Coalitions

If you want to get involved locally with prevention, contacting your local Youth Coalition is a great way to get started. Youth coalitions build upon your energy, passion and idealism as a powerful prevention resource for the community. Who better to provide ideas and insight into young minds than the young minds themselves!

Check out our About Us page to learn more about the prevention coalitions in your area. If there is not yet a youth coalition in your county, chat with one of our county coordinators to see what you can do to get one started!

You can also work with your teachers to build a prevention group in your school! With help from your local prevention coalition, your coalition or group can be a fun, engaging, and powerful tool to prevent youth substance use. We at WV Prevention Solutions sponsor and support local groups like SADD, RAZE, YouthMOVE National, and others that have a substance misuse and mental wellness focus. Click the link below to learn more about us!

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Educate Yourself

Knowledge is power! Educating yourself and others about substances is key to building your community. What makes a healthy community? How do you get your friends involved? What can I do to learn more? These are questions that, once answered, will take your prevention message far beyond your school or coalition.

Afterschool activities, community gardens, little free libraries, drug-free dances and events at your school - all of these activities will build on your communities specific skills and give you an opportunity to expand your knowledge of what a healthy community really is!

Get involved with CADCA’s National Youth Leadership Initiative (NYLI) and connect with even more like-minded young people who are passionate about improving their local communities.